Ruby, rough
Ruby energises the emotional, physical, and mental bodies, stimulating detoxification + harmonious energetic flow throughout the body. Sparking a zest for life, it encourages you to pursue your aspirations and inspires you to be courageous. Ruby offers support in times of stress, assisting you to overcome anxiety, fear, and mental overload, while bringing you to a deeply grounded state. Its high vibration amplifies energy, sharpening your mind and intuition, and is a powerful stone for activating Kundalini energy. As a stone of prosperity, it attracts wealth and enhances your manifestations. Ruby stokes the fires of passion, inspiring intimacy and deepening a couple’s relationship. It is said to assist with circulation, blood flow and vitality, and is said to be beneficial for the reproductive system + fertility. 
Chakra | Root
Zodiac | Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio + Sagittarius
Number | 3
Planet | Mars
Element | Earth